
我们努力确保学生, faculty 和 staff who travel abroad in an official DU capacity have the knowledge, preparation 和 support necessary to manage risk 和 travel safely. International travel is best undertaken by well-informed travelers. While international travel offers many opportunities, it also exposes travelers at any experience level to risk. We want University travelers to benefit from international experiences, but we also want to help keep our travelers safe.

考虑到这一点, we provide information 和 resources to help ensure travelers are well-informed, 鼓励风险最小化的行为, 和 help travelers navigate University requirements.



DU takes all reasonable steps to help students, faculty 和 staff stay safe during university-sponsored international travel. By proactively providing travelers with information 和 resources regarding potential risks, we can educate 和 prepare travelers to make good decisions regarding their own well-being while abroad. These are some of the ways we promote 和 preserve the health 和 安全 of our travelers:

  • Our full-time 国际旅行 Risk Analyst monitors world events through a variety of means:
    • U.S. 国务院的 Overseas 安全 Advisory Council (OSAC)
    • U.S. 国务院的 旅游报告 和警报
    • 国际SOS Notices 和 Advisories
    • Pulse – Group for International Risk Managers
    • 疾病控制中心
    • 世界卫生组织
    • Other Countries Governmental Travel Advice
    • 有信誉的新闻来源
  • 提供一个 free 和 comprehensive travel medical insurance plan for all DU travelers so they rarely see a bill for any illness or injury while abroad
  • 向旅行者伸出援手, 在适当的时候, 分享相关的健康信息, 安全, 或安全信息或登记
  • 国际SOS, a medical 和 travel assistance provider, who facilitates pre-departure travel consultations, 协调保险福利, sends email alerts regarding in-country issues, delivers 24/7 emergency response assistance 和 provides evacuation 和 repatriation services for all travelers
  • 提供 免费和虚拟心理健康支持 通过国际SOS.
  • Providing preparatory measures including information 和 resources in DU Passport 和 on our website
  • Requiring all travelers to register with DU Passport or Pioneer Travel 和 Expense, which allows us to track travelers' whereabouts
  • Asking travelers to consult with a physician before departure to discuss health 和 mental health concerns; 杜的健康 & 咨询中心 can provide these services for student travelers
  • Encouraging travelers to enroll in the U.S. 国务院的 智能旅行者登记计划 (STEP) to receive important information from the local embassy about 安全 conditions in the host country
  • Collecting emergency contact information should we need to communicate information about an affected traveler to family 和 friends
  • Evaluating on-site support 和 vetting program options available to travelers
  • Providing health 和 安全 resources 和 training for leaders taking group 项目 abroad
  • Creating crisis management protocols in partnership with the Office of Internationalization along with the 国际旅行 Committee.





紧急情况 happen, 和 we're here to help. Find information on what to do in a travel emergency, 和 make sure you're prepared for your trip.



Use our resources to get ready for your travel abroad experience, 确保安全, 顺利而充实的体验.



Read up on the services our 国际SOS plan covers including political, medical 和 natural disaster evacuation 和 repatriation expenses.



Explore our policies 和 procedures page.



We're committed to supporting the health, 安全 和 security of travelers on short-term international 项目. We work with program leaders to mitigate associated risks 和 provide them with the resources necessary to abide by University international travel procedures 和 adhere to the international program approval process.


Have you been involved in or witnessed an incident as an international traveler?

